Toronto Open Fall 2007, November 24, 2007 (Fastest non-lucky solve at the time.) Scramble (white on top, green in front / cross on U): R B' R F B2 U2 L2 B R' U2 D2 F2 U2 L D' F2 B R' L2 B' R2 U R L2 B Solve: x2yR'FLR2d'R2 (6) U'R'URyR'U'R (7) dRU'R'U'y'RU'R' (8) yURUR2'U'R (6) U2RU2'R'U2RU'R' (8) R'U2'RUR'UR (7) RUR'F'RUR'U'R'FR2U'R'U' (14) 56 moves total. Reconstructed by Lucas Garron on Jan. 23 & 24 from this video and with some help from Harris. |